Tenants about their rights and responsibilities

Tenants' Rights and for safe, decent, affordable, rental housing in Arlington, Virginia.

Create community leaders and promote civic engagement
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BU-GATA provides housing information and education services to renters in Arlington County, Virginia.
BU-GATA also works with low and moderate-income tenants facing displacement due to renovation or redevelopment of by-right and site plan projects. BU-GATA's programs create, maintain, and further develop, an informed tenant community that is knowledgeable and empowered to exercise their rights and understand their role in obtaining and maintaining safe, decent, affordable, rental housing in the County.
Since 1992, BU-GATA has organized tenants to defend their rights, advocate for the preservation and production of safe, decent, affordable, rental housing, and neighborhood stabilization. BU-GATA provides the strength and support for the creation of tenant associations.
BU-GATA's programs are aimed at creating community leaders, and has an established peer-to-peer network of neighborhood connectors or liaisons to help immigrants and others with language difficulties gain access to County services.
BU-GATA's network of leaders extends throughout Arlington County.